For the Mouse gene set with the same name, see GOBP_CANONICAL_NF_KAPPAB_SIGNAL_TRANSDUCTION

Systematic name M10984
Brief description The process in which a signal is passed on to downstream components within the cell through the I-kappaB-kinase (IKK)-dependent activation of NF-kappaB, also known as the canonical NF-kappaB signaling cascade. The cascade begins with activation of a trimeric IKK complex (consisting of catalytic kinase subunits IKKalpha and/or IKKbeta, and the regulatory scaffold protein NEMO) and ends with the regulation of transcription of target genes by NF-kappaB. In a resting state, NF-kappaB dimers are bound to I-kappaB proteins, sequestering NF-kappaB in the cytoplasm. Phosphorylation of I-kappaB targets I-kappaB for ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation, thus releasing the NF-kappaB dimers, which can translocate to the nucleus to bind DNA and regulate transcription. The canonical NF-kappaB pathway is mainly stimulated by proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1beta, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, antigen ligands, and toll-like receptors (TLRs). [GOC:bf, PMID:12773372, PMID:34659217]
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Collection C5: Ontology
      GO: Gene Ontology
            GO:BP: GO Biological Process
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Exact source GO:0007249
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Source species Homo sapiens
Contributed by Gene Ontology (Gene Ontology Consortium)
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Version history 2023.2.Hs: Renamed from GOBP_I_KAPPAB_KINASE_NF_KAPPAB_SIGNALING.

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